

Increased Insulation levels will reduce energy use in the winter and summer while improving comfort all year long. In addition, insulation requires no maintenance and, if you install it properly, will do its job for a very long time. However, for insulation to perform properly, it is critical for air sealing to have been completed first and then the insulation must be installed correctly after air sealing.

Insulation performance is measured by R-value - its ability to resist heat flow. The higher the R-value, the better the insulating capacity. GreenHomes typically recommends R-40 to R-60 in attics to maximize comfort and energy savings. Since most insulations are approximately 3.0 to 3.5 per inch of depth, a good rule of thumb for attics is to have 12 to 18 inches of insulation.

Insulation for your home comes in many different options. Each insulation option has its own unique insulation features and capacities (R-Values).

Remember, properly installed insulation will save on heating and cooling costs while greatly improving occupant comfort.